Monday, May 20, 2013

They're, There, and Their

THEY'RE:  This is a contraction of "they" and "are."  Example:
Are you looking for the pencils?  They're in the box on the top shelf.

THERE:  This is an adverb that basically means in or at a certain place or moment.  Here are some examples of its use ...
She is there now.
He stopped there (at a certain point in his speech) when the audience began applauding.
My anger was justified there (when I saw someone being inconsiderate at the supermarket).
New York City?  We went there last week.

THEIR:  possessive pronoun.  Examples:
The people have a right to defend their freedom.
Everybody in the room became upset when their money was stolen.
We don't have to listen to them; their opinions don't matter.

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